Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Over 40 is sometimes 20/20

As my mom tells it, and as the photos prove it, I've been wearing glasses since I was about 18 months old I think. Big, thick, Coke-bottle glasses.  The kind that (if you're old enough to appreciate it) might make you say "HEY LAAAADY!!" very loudly.  So going to the eye doctor has always been a quest for me...always trying, hoping to see that last line on the chart.  Over the years, I've seen (and tried) every technology that could slim down the lenses enough to be "cute." And actually, got contacts in 6th grade and so only wore my "cute" glasses at night when my crazy eyes were just too tired to stand it.  But this over 40 eyesight was layered on my horrible lifelong eyesight...the trip to eye doctor..and to pick out the glasses... was different.  My lenses are now so thick that "cute" is really not an option.  We tried for a couple months back and forth to slim them down and make them "fashionable."  So, I finally said...this is silly.  Own it...wear them. Who cares if your eyes are magnified so big that they kind of look like those gag gift kind of glasses? And so they came home the other night with me and I decided to just "vet" internally (as we like to say in marketing) here with the family.  I actally started wearing them...and the family raised their eyebrows.  Husband nodded approvingly (yes, I know what everyone is thinking) said I now look as smart as I already am.  I'm still mulling over the multiple Sarah Palin comments.'s a go.  I may try a little public viewing of them, so to speak, this weekend over errands. The specs...I can finally see that's so not worrying about.

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